2. Cookery courses at Leiths are brilliant! The school is in West London, and the prices can make you wince but oh my! Is it worth it. Souffles are easy. Who knew? Not me. We made the most delicious hot raspberry souffles, quick and simple soda bread rolls, a tasty pea soup and a lovely salmon main. The teachers are really helpful and friendly - it seemed to be one teacher to four students in our session - plus some men do the washing up for you as you go along. Whats not to like? Will be attempting souffles at home soon and hopefully posting recipe and photos.
3. When it is 5pm in London and you have to travel back to Manchester for work Monday morning, don't get outrageously drunk with your brother, sister and her boyfriend. It may be fun at the time when you're playing Shazam in a pub by the Thames but you'll be sick in a mug at work the next day. Oh yeah. I'm not proud.